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About us


Ysgol Maes Hyfryd opened in September 2009 following the amalgamation of the special school provision in Flintshire. From three all-age special schools, two of which supported SLD and PMLD learners and one MLD provision, the authority developed one primary special school and one secondary special school both located in Flint. YMH has been purpose built and co-located with Flint High School. 

 Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Special School is a specialist school providing a high quality education for pupils aged 11 to 19. The pupils who attend our school have varying degrees of learning difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD), and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD). We cater for pupils who are affected by a very wide range of specific medical and physical conditions, including but not limited to; Autism, Down Syndrome, Epilepsy, Sensory Impairment, and Physical Disabilities.

Ysgol Maes Hyfryd provides specialist education for learners that have been educated at the primary special school, Ysgol Pen Coch. Admissions are through the local authority and the moderation panel allocate places at our school. The moderation panel consists of a number of professionals who are chosen because of their expert knowledge of children with additional needs. The panel is made up of Additional Learning Needs Advisors, Educational Psychologists and representatives of the LA Inclusion Service. 


Sensory Department

The sensory department caters for pupils with severe and profound learning difficulties (SLD / PMLD) who have additional associated difficulties, including autism, challenging behaviour, sensory impairment, complex health needs and communication difficulties. Placement in the sensory department is decided during the transition process. Pupils in the sensory department follow a personalised skill based curriculum which strives to be responsive to each learner, building on their individual strengths and interests. Our curriculum is skill and context based and encourages active engagement in learning. The curriculum focuses on developing the key skills of communication, cognition, independence, physical development and self-care, all transferrable skills that equip children and young people for life beyond the school. The curriculum is delivered through a thematic approach to provide a range of stimulating learning experiences and generalisation of skills. There are two core curricular pathways which pupils undertake, depending on their learning needs. Pupils with profound learning difficulties follow an ‘informal’ curriculum pathway and those with severe learning difficulties follow a ‘semi formal’ pathway.

Classes provide discrete provision based on the needs of the pupils and broadly caters for pupils with profound intellectual and multiple difficulties (PMLD), including those with autism. There is an Autism class which caters for pupils with severe learning difficulties, complex communication and autism and have a class for pupils with PMLD. Historically, when school first opened and due to the amalgamation, there was a large cohort of pupils with moderate learning difficulties. However, due to a changing population of pupils in the school and increase in those with SLD and PMLD, we have additional classes which also follow the sensory curriculum. One of these classes is based in the Key Stage 3 department, catering for pupils with SLD and autism and there is another based in the Post 16 department  

Brenig, Alwen, Elsi and Tegid Classes

These classes are for pupils with SLD and Austism and generally pupils fit into the category of Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).  

Our purpose is:

• To nurture and promote the health and wellbeing of all pupils and staff in a safe, supportive and stimulating environment. 

• To engage fully and responsibly as active, respectful citizens of an inclusive local, national and global community. 

• To encourage creative, critical and collaborative skills, embracing challenges and celebrating achievements of all pupils and staff. 

• To establish a learning community where all pupils and staff are confident to express ideas, take risks and reflect, whilst acquiring new knowledge and skills to challenge themselves to achieve the highest standards

Awyr and Daear Classes

Pupils continue to follow a differentiated curriculum. Where appropriate, pupils have access to one Option afternoon a week. The afternoon is PE/Sports and Arts based.  

Post 16 Hub  

There are two sixth form classes and the focus is on developing independence and promoting functional literacy and numeracy skills. The pupils follow a varied programme which aims to prepare the young people for life beyond school. As part of the transition process, classes access local college provision 1 day a week. College link courses are planned on an individualised basis. We have a post 16 sensory class which are following a semi formal curriculum in line with our Sensory Department. Our sixth form Hub is now located off site and is based in Shotton. 

PSE and careers planning is an integral part of the curriculum and pupils follow individualised work experience, volunteering, and transport training programmes. Curriculum enrichment is provided through a range of termly options. Pupils can develop their own learning pathway by making choices of options 3 afternoons a week. The options change termly to cover the 6 areas of learning from the Curriculum for Wales. 

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Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Specialist High School, Fifth Avenue, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5QL

Tel: 01352 792720 / 01352 792727 | Email: [email protected]