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Attendance and Punctuality



Good attendance and punctuality are essential for pupils to reach their full potential. Illness is the only authorised reason for absence from school unless the Headteacher has given special permission. Absence without permission is unauthorised and reported to the Welsh Assembly Government.

Parents and carers are asked to inform the school of the reason for an absence by informing school. YMH operate a first-day phone call system (ie) if your son/daughter is absent and no phone call or note has been received then the school will phone you, to seek the reason for the absence. Tanwen Messum-Johnson our Family Engagement Worker will follow up any unexplained absences.

It is important that pupils attend school daily and we ask for your support as a  parent to ensure this happens. Maximum attendance enables the pupils to take full advantage of the learning experiences available.

Holiday leave during term time

Parents and carers are requested not to plan holidays during term time as it disrupts the pupils’ progress. In special circumstances, the Headteacher may make an exception and give permission. A request form for holiday leave is available from the school office.

Leave of absence during the school day

  • All pupils remain on site unless they are collected by a parent for a medical appointment.
  • Parental permission must be granted to all pupils attending link schools or work experience placements.
  • No pupil may leave the school premises at lunchtime without staff supervision.


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Ysgol Maes Hyfryd Specialist High School, Fifth Avenue, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5QL

Tel: 01352 792720 / 01352 792727 | Email: [email protected]