Assessment and Recording
Assessment Reporting and Recording
Assessment, recording and reporting is central to pupil learning. The Welsh Government state “the prime reason for all assessment information should be to help learners improve their learning.” (Making the most of assessment 7 -14, Welsh Government 2010)
At Ysgol Maes Hyfryd we recognise the value of assessment as providing information for planning and ensuring individual needs are met within the broad curriculum. Ongoing recording and reporting ensure that all steps of progress are monitored and built upon.
- To provide information for effective planning
- To ensure continuity throughout the pupils’ school life
- To encourage pupils to recognise their achievements
- To ensure statutory requirements are met
- To provide detailed, relevant information for parents and other professionals
The cycle of assessment, recording and reporting
- Statement of special educational need – initial or updated
- Annual review of the statement
- Identification of needs for the coming year
- Curriculum content – long term plans / 14-19 learning pathways
- Termly plans – medium term plans
- Individual Educational Plans (IEP)
- Lesson plan delivery – short term plans
- Lesson evaluation – recording of IEPs
- End of termly module assessment
- Internal or external accreditation where appropriate
Pupils receive feedback from staff on a regular basis and in addition parents have a formal report at the end of each term. Annual Review of the Statement is a statutory requirement and will be arranged with external agencies.
Parents are invited to the Annual Review meeting together with the pupil and the other professionals who may support the pupil. The pupil is encouraged to take a full and active lead in their meeting emphasising the progress they have made and confirming that the original targets of the statement are still relevant.
A parent’s evening to discuss the pupil’s progress is less formal and encourages parents to look through the pupils work and discuss the progress made throughout the year, having already read the full Curriculum report.
All year 9 pupils have a statutory Transition Review which is the beginning of the planning process for leaving school, which can be at any time deemed appropriate between the ages of 16-19.
Purposes of Assessment
- To find out what an individual pupil knows, understands and can do
- To find out what an individual pupil does not yet know and understand or is not yet able to do
- To check that an individual pupil has learned the main teaching point of the day or week
- To find out whether an individual pupil is ready to move on the next activity, thereby informing a teachers’ planning
- To find out what progress and individual pupil has made over time.
- To help set clear targets for individual progress (to LNF targets)
- To meet statutory requirements by comparing pupils’ work with national standards (where they exist) and expectations of progress
- To report to parents and other professionals on individual achievement and progress in relation to education plans and units of work
- Purposes of recording
- To track progress
- To ensure progression across the curriculum
- To identify learning patterns over time where there are many small steps in developing children’s knowledge and understanding and skills
- To provide a basis for discussion with pupils, parents and other professionals about progress and learning styles
- To provide a basis for target setting
- To identify trends and patterns in different groups, classes and cohorts of pupils
- To ensure that all statutory assessments are securely based.
- To assist transition between classes
- Methods of Assessment
- Teacher assessments are carried out both formally and informally using a range of strategies and resources.
- Assessment for Learning focuses on the learner’s achievement and on details of ways in which they contribute with ideas on moving forward with their learning
Target Setting
Individual targets are set for pupils through their Individual Education Plans ( IEPs), Behaviour Support Plans (BSP).
School meets the requirements for statutory assessment.
Evidence for Learning
Evidence for Learning has transformed how hundreds of schools, colleges and provisions are able to evidence, assess, review and plan for meeting the unique needs of their learners.
It supports an Inquiry-based approach to education and provision, that allows ALL stakeholders in a child, young person or adult’s learning and development to quickly and easily gather photo and video evidence, linked to the individual’s learning goals as well as any key skills frameworks. Observations can be annotated and tagged to reflect your school’s basket of indicators in an instant. Evidence for Learning supports ANY assessment framework and ANY assessment model – including evidencing and tracking progress against individual learning intentions and targets related to pupils Individual Education Plan. What’s more, teachers can easily amend and add to these goals over time in order to respond to a learners’ ongoing needs and development.
All evidence gathered is automatically organised by the app and readily available on demand to anyone in the school. Stakeholders can search for and sort evidence by any attribute, and schools use these features to save time and workload and crucially to be better informed during planning, moderation and ongoing professional development. Evidence for Learning is a platform and the tools to develop and demonstrate connected practice which links curriculum, pedagogy and assessment.
You can click the link to find out more information